Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

What is FR44 Insurance?

The FR44 filing was created by the State of Florida and is required for individuals that have been convicted of a DUI.  The filing itself is attached to your auto policy and certifies that you have purchased the required liability limits of 100/300/50.  This translates into $100,000 per person, $300,000 per accident and $50,000 in property damage coverage.  Typical Florida drivers are only required to carry $10,000 in property damage coverage and $10,000 in personal injury protection.  The State of Florida requires these high coverages because they view individuals that have been convicted of a DUI as “high risk”.  This type of policy is also required to be paid in full for six months.  Not all insurance companies offer FR44 insurance and your current carrier might non-renew your policy when they find out you have gotten a DUI.  In most cases you can add all the coverages that are offered on a normal auto policy like uninsured motorist, comprehensive, collision, and medical payments coverage.  If you do not own or regularly operate a vehicle you can also purchase a non-owners FR44 policy.  In most cases the FR44 filing is required for three years from the date of original suspension or conviction.  It is important to ask your local DMV how long the FR44 is required for your particular situation.  Our agency specializes in FR44 insurance and we write thousands of policies all across the state of Florida.  If you would like a quote follow the link below.  If you have any questions about FR44 insurance please feel free to give our office a call.


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