Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

What DUIs Mean for Your Auto Insurance

Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

How a DUI will affect your insurance.

As a driver, you understand that your auto insurance rates are subject to change.  For instance, your car insurance premiums will rise and fall depending on the moving violations and accidents on your driving record.  However, in the state of Florida, no infraction is as consequential as a DUI.  Not only will a DUI result in a major rate increase, but it will also require you to secure a specialty form of coverage known as Florida FR44 insurance.  Here are some of the impacts of a DUI on your auto insurance discussed in more detail.

  • Florida FR44 Insurance

In the state of Florida, drivers who are charged with a DUI are required to secure a special form of coverage known as FR44 insurance.  FR44 insurance introduces very high bodily injury and property damage liability coverage limits for drivers convicted of a DUI.  This form of insurance is designed to better protect the public from a driver who has proven themselves as reckless behind the wheel.  If the DMV does not receive your FR44 form after you have been convicted of a DUI, then your drivers license will not be reinstated, and you will not legally be allowed to drive.

  • Increased Insurance Costs

The more auto insurance coverage that you have, the higher your rates will be.  Because FR44 insurance requires you to carry high liability coverage limits, your insurance rates will be more expensive.  Additionally, because being charged with a DUI demonstrates that you are a high-risk driver, you will see this increased risk translate into higher auto insurance rates.  Fortunately, after about three years of carrying FR44 coverage, you can stop carrying this type of insurance.  If you manage to keep your driving record clean during this time period, you should also experience a reduction in your auto insurance premiums.

These are the main ways in which a DUI will affect your auto insurance.  Do you have additional questions regarding your Florida FR44 insurance?  If so, then do not hesitate to contact the experts at Staybull Insurance.  We are ready to assist you with your FR44 filing today.

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