Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

Understanding the Consequences Associated with a DUI

Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

Here are some of the consequences of a DUI conviction.

Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal.  Naturally, if you have been convicted of a DUI, then you will face several penalties.  Here is what you need to know about the consequences of a DUI conviction.

Misdemeanor or Felony

The severity of your DUI penalties will depend on whether it is a misdemeanor or felony.  Misdemeanor DUIs will have consequences such as the following:

  • Fines
  • License suspension
  • Installation of a mandatory ignition interlock device
  • Points on your DMV record
  • Mark on your criminal record

You can be charged with felony DUI if it is your third conviction in 10 years, if it is your fourth conviction, or if you caused severe injury or death to a person or unborn child while driving drunk.  If you have been convicted of felony DUI, then you can face the following penalties:

  • Fines (higher than misdemeanor fines)
  • Possible jail time
  • Restitution paid to victims
  • License suspension (starting after jail time is served out)
  • Installation of a mandatory ignition interlock device
  • Points on your DMV record
  • Mark on your criminal record

Insurance Penalties

In addition to legal consequences, drivers convicted of a DUI also face insurance penalties.  To start, your auto insurance provider will likely cancel or refuse to renew your policy following your conviction.  This means that you might need to find a new auto insurer.  Additionally, you are now subject to higher insurance requirements.  In the state of Florida, you will have to secure $100,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per person, $300,000 of bodily injury liability per accident, and $50,000 of property damage liability.  You will also have to submit and FR44 filing to the state to prove that you have met the aforementioned insurance requirements.

This is what you need to know about the consequences of a DUI conviction.  Do you need help securing FR44 auto coverage following a DUI?  If so, then contact the experts at Staybull Insurance.  We are ready to assist you with all your car coverage needs today.

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