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What Happens When You Receive 3 DUIs in Florida?

Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

Consequences of racking up a third DUI offense.

Every time you are charged with a DUI in the state of Florida, you will receive penalties.  However, the stakes go up when you are charged with a third DUI offense.  The degree of punishment depends on the timing of your previous convictions.  Here is what you need to know.

  • Third DUI Conviction After 10 Years of Prior Conviction

If it has been more than 10 years since your last DUI charge, then you will face fines between $2,000 and $5,000.  If your BAC was over .15 or if a minor was in the car with you, then you face a minimum fine of $4,000.  If jail time is ordered, then the term cannot exceed 12 months, and no minimum mandatory term of imprisonment is required.

  • Third DUI Within 1o Years of a Prior Conviction

The consequences are far worse if you receive your third DUI conviction within 10 years of your last offense.  In this case, the third DUI is charged as a felony in the third degree, punishable by fines up to $5,000 and jail time up to 5 years.  Convicted drivers must spend a minimum of 30 days behind bars.  Additionally, your car will be immobilized for at least 90 days (this period cannot overlap with time spent in jail).  Finally, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles will impose a 10-year revocation of your license.  Drivers can apply for hardship reinstatement after two years of not driving for any reason.

This is what you need to know about the consequences of receiving a third DUI offense.  Have you been convicted of a DUI?  If so, then you need to secure the proper FR44 insurance in order to legally drive again.  For assistance with your FR44 filing, contact the experts at Staybull Insurance today.

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