Florida FR44 Insurance, DUI Insurance FR44, Florida FR44 Insurance Coverages, FR44 Insurance Filing & Cost, Florida FR44 Filing, FR44 Non-Owners Insurance in Florida, FR44 Insurance Quotes Florida, FR44 Non-Owner Insurance Quote

What is Non-Owners FR44 Insurance?

Named non-owner policies provide bodily injury and property damage coverage to others while you are operating another person’s vehicle.  This type of policy is very restrictive and does not cover much so they are typically less expensive than a normal auto policy.  Named non-owner policies do not provide any coverage for any vehicle you own or operate on a regular basis.  So if you own a vehicle, have a vehicle registered or operate a vehicle on a regular basis you would not be eligible for a named non-owner policy.  This type of policy will fulfill the FR44 requirement for the State of Florida for people that do not have a vehicle.  It is important to understand the differences between a non-owners policy and a regular auto policy.  Named non-owner policies do not provide any physical damage coverage for the vehicle you are operating.  The vehicle owner should also have a regular auto insurance policy that provides additional coverage that is not covered on a non-owners policy.  In most cases named non-owner policies do not provide any coverage for personal injury protection or medical payments.  You can add uninsured motorist coverage to a non-owners policy for an additional premium.  If you would like a quote for a non-owners FR44 policy follow the link below.  If you have any questions about this type of policy feel free to give us a call.


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